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HomePersonal Development16 Personality Types Demystified: Find Your Unique Identity

16 Personality Types Demystified: Find Your Unique Identity

The well-known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) distinguishes a total of 16 personality types. If you follow the test, each person can be assigned to one of these types, with varying degrees of strength in each dimension.

This results in numerous letter combinations such as INFP, ISTJ, or ENTP. Behind each of these abbreviations lies a different personality with various characteristics that describe your character. We present the 16 personality types to you in detail and explain what’s behind the abbreviations in the type indicator.

16 Personality Types According to MBTI

The origin of the 16 personality types is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), named after its developers, Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers (mother and daughter). Based on the research and insights of psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, who founded analytical psychology, the MBTI divides personality into four fundamental dimensions and their two extreme expressions, of which one predominates.

  • Mind: Introversion (I) and Extraversion (E)
  • Energy: Intuition (N) and Sensing (S)
  • Nature: Feeling (F) and Thinking (T)
  • Tactics: Judging (J) and Perceiving (P)

The well-known code for a person’s personality emerges as a result of the dominant traits in each dimension. An additional aspect is often added in the 16 Personalities test:

  • Identity: Assertive (A) and Turbulent (T)

Using the four dimensions and the addition of Identity, 16 personality types are formed based on the initial letters of the predominant expressions. INFP-A, ESFP-T, or ISTJ-A are just three examples. But what do these mean exactly?

What are the 16 Personality Types?

The 16 personality types provide insights into your own character and can help you get to know yourself better. But what are these 16 personalities? We introduce each type and explain what sets them apart:

16 Personalities Test
Before we get into the individual descriptions: If you want to find out which type you are, you can take the 16 Personalities Test for free online. The website 16personalities.com provides you with an online questionnaire to go through. After a few minutes, you will receive your personal profile with a corresponding character code that assigns you to a personality type!

The 16 personality types are known by many names. We have decided to use the terms that are also used in the test on 16 personalities.

The Analysts

The group of Analysts is characterized by the trait combination “NT.” These personality types are highly rational, think in a structured manner, and are adept at making decisions. Compared to other groups, emotions play a less prominent role for them. The Analyst group includes these four personality types:

01. Architect – INTJ-A / INTJ-T

Architects are characterized by their high intellect, strategic and forward-thinking, and strong planning abilities. Individuals of this type are ambitious and can reach great heights, all while possessing a vivid imagination and a curiosity to discover and build new things. They maintain a clear focus and use their resources wisely. Architects are often compared to chess players.

They have a precise strategy, see the big picture, and are typically several steps ahead of others. These personality traits can sometimes create challenges in their interactions with other people, but Architects prefer solitude when contemplating new ventures.

As the name suggests, Architects aim to build, create, implement ideas, and achieve greatness. They set high goals for themselves, which they can attain through their abilities. Those who can’t keep up may find it challenging to fit into the world of these personalities.

Five typical characteristics of Architects are:

  • Rationality
  • Decisiveness
  • Planning
  • Self-confidence
  • Perfectionism

Possible career fields for this personality type include scientists, management consultants, marketing strategists, systems analysts, or project managers.

02. Logician – INTP-A / INTP-T

Logicians primarily seek two things: understanding and deriving connections, as well as recognizing contradictions, developing their own ideas, expressing their creativity, and making previously unknown discoveries. Others have no chance against their logical perspective, so Logicians repeatedly formulate theories. They often use most of their dialogues to receive feedback on their own thoughts.

This personality type excels at identifying problems, delving into their roots, and finding effective solutions. However, the conditions must be right. Logicians do not want to engage in boring meetings or report to the boss daily.

To outsiders, Logicians may appear somewhat introspective and contemplative, and they may exhibit shyness when dealing with unfamiliar contacts. Otherwise, they are very friendly but can engage in serious disputes when it comes to criticism of their logical connections or theories.

Five typical characteristics of logicians are:

  • logic
  • creativity
  • intelligence
  • problem-solving skills
  • innovation

Possible fields of work for this personality type include scientists, philosophers, teachers and professors, management, or programmers.

03. Commander – ENTJ-A / ENTJ-T

Taking responsibility, motivating others, and leading by example – this personality type is a natural leader. Commanders possess the required authority and a strong sense of self-confidence to give clear instructions.

They are characterized by their determination, which sometimes borders on (or crosses) ruthlessness. They are intelligent, highly focused, and eagerly embrace every challenge. The more difficult a task, the more effort Commanders exert, and the higher their expectations are for teammates, whether they are colleagues, friends, or family.

Giving up is not an option for this type. Their motto is: With the necessary effort, anything is achievable. With charisma and persuasiveness, they can rally others and achieve great success. They are very dominant but not malicious or deceitful. They know their strengths and how to use them to assert themselves against others.

Five typical characteristics of Commanders are:

  • Determination
  • Leadership personality
  • Determination
  • Charisma
  • Strategic thinking

Possible career fields for Commanders include leadership positions at every level of management. They are also experts in entrepreneurship, as they are not only capable of establishing a business but also skilled at assembling and leading a team.

04. Debater – ENTP-A / ENTP-T

No discussion is left unexplored, and no argument from the conversation partner goes unexamined and refuted. Debaters are incredibly quick thinkers, possessing a wit that others can only dream of, and they greatly enjoy outperforming others in verbal duels.

They draw upon extensive knowledge and a wealth of experience. At the same time, they can take the perspective of the other person to understand their viewpoint, critically question it, and identify potential weaknesses.

Constant reflection makes Debaters experts in idea generation and problem-solving. They can analyze the pros and cons of every proposal, weigh different ideas against each other, and develop innovative concepts. However, when it comes to detailed execution, other personality types may be better suited.

Interactions with Debaters can be challenging for those around them. In meetings, the ENTP type may undermine every proposal, irritate colleagues, or even make the boss look bad. Their unabashed honesty is rarely well-received.

Five typical characteristics of Debaters are:

  • Witty
  • Strong argumentation skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Directness
  • Innovation

Debaters can be highly successful in many professional fields. Whenever fresh thinking, new ideas, and problem-solving are required, this personality type is a valuable member of any team.

The Diplomats

In the group of Diplomats, values, emotions, and a reflective worldview take center stage. The trait combination “NF” characterizes all personality types in this group and primarily describes emotional individuals with positive attitudes and optimistic visions.

01. Mediator – INFP-A / INFP-T

The Mediator is inherently a good person and can be somewhat trusting. They see the good in everyone, maintain an optimistic outlook, and act with a strong moral compass. INFP types are also classic idealists. When they commit to a noble cause, they are willing to devote all their energy and time to it.

Mediators possess a strong sense of empathy. They are excellent listeners, understand others’ problems well, and are willing to help. When someone needs a conversation partner for serious life questions or seeks good advice, Mediators are the right people to turn to. They have excellent communication skills but also value time alone.

Hours of contemplation about philosophical questions are not uncommon for INFP types. To prevent isolation, they need family and friends who can appreciate their helpfulness in return.

Five typical characteristics of mediators are:

  • Positivity
  • Empathy
  • Idealism
  • Communication skill
  • Harmony

Possible career fields include creative areas such as writers, actors, or designers.

02. Advocate – INFJ-A / INFJ-T

Advocates are self-assured individuals who can inspire others and are guided by an idealistic and ethical outlook. The INFJ type aims to make a positive impact on the world and acts accordingly. They want to help make the world a better place, not just in theory but through clear goals and determined actions.

Advocates stand up for their opinions and beliefs, sometimes even pushing their own boundaries. During disasters, you often find Advocates as helpers, assisting those in need and exerting themselves fully to aid others.

However, INFJ personality types are not seeking recognition or attention. They act out of deep conviction that they are doing what is right. Nevertheless, they must remember to take care of themselves along the way.

Five typical characteristics of advocates are:

  • Inner peace
  • Idealism
  • Willingness to help
  • Conviction
  • Communication skills

Possible career fields include medical professions such as paramedics or nursing staff. Even as a teacher, a lawyer can live out his or her convictions.

03. Protagonist – ENFJ-A / ENFJ-T

Strong leadership personality, charismatic presence, compelling visions, motivating behavior – Protagonists can transfer their passion to others and take leadership of teams and groups. They benefit from their authenticity and their communication skills. They build a relationship on an equal footing and convey a common goal to all participants – motivating each individual to contribute to it.

Protagonists want to promote others and place trust in them. Sometimes, however, they may demand too much from others. ENFJ types are empathetic leaders who don’t have to pretend to show their enthusiasm.

All of this makes Protagonists popular personalities. They don’t just talk but genuinely get involved and are always ready to advocate for the interests of the team.

Five typical characteristics of protagonists are:

  • Independence
  • Creativity
  • Craziness
  • Emotions
  • Sensitivity

The Sentinels

The group of “Sentinels” is characterized by the combination of traits “SJ.” They are sensible and practical thinkers who require routines, structure, and orderly processes. They also practice the protection of values and norms. In addition, these individuals are particularly caring and appreciate what they have. The four personality types of “Sentinels” are:

01. Defender – ISFJ-A / ISFJ-T

The Defender cares deeply for all the people who are important to them. Whether it’s friends, family, or colleagues, once someone has made it into the inner circle of the INSF personality type, they can always count on their support. When problems arise, Defenders stand by their side and, with their warm and caring nature, become the guiding force in their lives.

Defenders are 100% reliable. They aim to do good and fully commit to the tasks or goals of other people they want to assist, giving their best without expecting anything in return. Their satisfaction comes solely from the feeling of having done something good for others.

However, due to their altruistic nature, they sometimes risk being taken advantage of by others. When Defenders steer clear of these toxic relationships, they build valuable and often lifelong bonds with people. Despite their social nature, they tend to be introverted and prefer not to be in the spotlight.

Five typical characteristics of Defenders are:

  • Altruism
  • Loyalty
  • Helpfulness
  • Introverted
  • Social relationships

Possible professional fields include social professions, charitable work, but also medical activities in which other people can be helped.

02. Logistician – ISTJ-A / ISTJ-T

Logisticians have an enormous sense of responsibility, bring great enthusiasm to their tasks, and approach them in a logical and structured manner to achieve results. They seek out all relevant information, evaluate it, and formulate a plan. They make decisions and do whatever it takes to reach their goal.

Once they’ve taken on a task, they always fulfill it. Excuses are not part of their vocabulary, as ISTJ types never shy away from their responsibilities. They base their actions on facts, so they always know exactly what needs to be done. This makes them incredibly reliable individuals: When a Logistician says they will take care of something, you can count on them to do so.

Logisticians adhere to guidelines and rules; they do not break them, even if it might make their own lives easier. Honesty is also a central aspect of their character. ISTJ personality types tell the truth and expect the same from others.

Five typical characteristics of logisticians are:

  • Sense of responsibility
  • Readiness for action
  • Reliability
  • Honesty
  • Integrity

Possible career fields include legal work, a career as a civil worker, or as an expert and specialist with extensive knowledge in your own field.

03. Executive – ESTJ-A / ESTJ-T

The ESTJ personality type enjoys taking charge of the organization and represents moral convictions in doing so. Executives value mutual respect, a sense of duty, and honesty. They have clear principles and advocate for traditional values and norms that they believe are necessary for businesses and society as a whole.

Executives are pragmatic in nature. They don’t waste time on theoretical discussions but instead get to work. Not recklessly and impulsively, but with a clear plan. Their determination enables them to find a way in any situation. This personality type highly values hard work and believes that respect is earned through it. Those who seek shortcuts or engage in deceit have no place with them.

Their high standards can be challenging for those around them. However, Executives are equally critical of themselves. They expect full commitment and lead by example.

Five typical characteristics of executives are:

  • Respect
  • Sense of duty
  • Principles
  • Tradition
  • Honesty

Possible career fields for executives are military, law enforcement, or law enforcement career, but executives are well served as a lawyer or corporate executives.

04. Consul – ESFJ-A / ESFJ-T

People with the ESFJ personality type are very popular, and widely regarded as friendly and sociable. They have a large and active social circle and enjoy being in contact with friends and family. They seem to effortlessly make new connections and strike up conversations with anyone.

What makes the Consul even more popular is their desire to help others. They actively involve themselves in their environment to support and assist others. They respect traditions and are law-abiding citizens who acknowledge authority. Security and order are fundamental needs for them.

However, their true calling lies in social interactions. They love conversations, gatherings, and events, always striving for harmony and the satisfaction of all involved. They are natural hosts, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable. Conflicts and open criticism of their behavior are challenging for the Consul.

Five typical characteristics are:

  • Sociability
  • Empathy
  • Sympathy
  • Need for harmony
  • Sensitivity

The consul can express his social nature in many social professions. You can also find a suitable job as a teacher. Event management may also be interesting for some ESFJ personality types.

The Explorers

The final group consists of the so-called Explorers, characterized by the dominant combination of the dimensions “SP.” They all share an openness to new experiences, a positive outlook on life, and great curiosity. They want to gather impressions in the world, experience things, be creative, and enjoy freedom. This group is also referred to as the Artists. Among the 16 personality types, these four are classified as Explorers:

01. Virtuoso – ISTP-A / ISFP-T

Highly skilled handymen who can dismantle, repair, and reassemble any device. Whether it’s always sensible or necessary is somewhat secondary. Virtuosos enjoy working hands-on and using various tools. Their practical nature leads them to tackle problems and challenges rather than overthinking them.

Their spontaneity sometimes leads to hasty actions or thoughtless remarks. This isn’t done with malicious intent but can lead to conflicts.

Many other personality types can learn from their extensive skills and approach. They work systematically, delve into every matter – whether it’s a practical task or a new idea – search for flaws, and identify aspects that work well. Since Virtuosos enjoy sharing their knowledge, they are a valuable asset in many teams.

Five typical characteristics of Virtuoso are:

  • Urge for action
  • Crafts
  • Spontaneity
  • Willingness to optimize
  • Pragmatism

Virtuosos are predestined for manual trades, but they can also find a successful and happy career as an engineer, mechanic, and in other technically adept areas.

02. Adventurer – ISFP-A / ISFP-T

Adventurers push the boundaries of socially accepted norms and behaviors. They don’t conform to conventional expectations and refuse to be boxed into pre-defined patterns. They are individualists in the best sense. Some embark on extensive world travels, while others opt out of traditional societal life and become self-sufficient.

In doing so, ISFP personality types want to experience the world at its best. They are curious, open-minded, sensual, and emotionally inclined. Beautiful moments can bring tears of joy to their eyes, but they are equally affected by negative environments and bad news. Adventurers are often driven by their passions and seize every opportunity to pursue them.

Many ISFP types are highly artistic, engaging in activities like painting, design, or photography. They aim to create beauty that they and others can enjoy. They find little satisfaction in dull and monotonous office or administrative work. Adventurers often don’t worry much about securing their future. They prefer to live in the present rather than fretting about retirement planning.

Five typical characteristics of Adventurers are:

  • Unconventionality
  • Open-mindedness
  • Artistic
  • Individualist
  • Passion

Possible career fields for Adventurers require a lot of freedom. Artistic professions are well-suited, whether it’s painting, design, or music. Selling self-made products like jewelry can also be an option.

03. Entrepreneurs – ESTP-A / ESTP-T

Entrepreneurs are many things, but they are certainly not reserved or introverted. They love the spotlight, enjoy being in the limelight, and seek the attention of others – often on a grand scale. Out of all 16 personality types, Entrepreneurs are the least equipped to deal with dull and theoretical things. They want action, to act, and to get things started. When they have a goal, they dive in and make the plan as they go. If necessary, they’ll have plans B and C ready.

ESTP types have keen powers of observation. They not only see the obvious but also notice small changes and know how to interpret them correctly. They go directly to the bottom of these observations, which often meets with resistance when someone would rather keep something to themselves.

Their charm, humor, charisma, and ability to inspire others make them sought-after leaders. However, their approach and their desire to break or bend some rules for their advantage are rarely well-received.

Five typical traits of Entrepreneurs are:

  • Attention
  • Charisma
  • Action-oriented
  • Observation skills
  • Charm

Suitable career fields are, as the term suggests, entrepreneurship. Quick decision-making, courage, and the ability to inspire people genuinely make ESTP personality types good entrepreneurs and freelancers. They also excel in sales, marketing, or negotiation roles, where they can leverage their strengths.

04. Entertainer – ESFP-A / ESFP-T

With an Entertainer, things never get boring. ESFP types have an almost endless supply of energy and can infect others with their enthusiasm. The term “extroverted” fits no personality type among the 16 better than it does with the Entertainer. Entertainers have what’s often referred to as star potential. They want to present themselves, seek out a stage, and manage to captivate the attention of all viewers.

Entertainers can find enjoyment in almost anything. They have a unique style and are fashion and trend-conscious. Despite their focus on themselves, this personality type is empathetic and is there to support others with advice and action. However, Entertainers often lack conflict resolution skills.

Entertainers are not interested in repetitive routine work and monotonous tasks. Prolonged concentration on a single subject can also be difficult for them because a new aspect sparks their enthusiasm.

Five typical traits of Entertainers are:

  • Extroversion
  • Spontaneity
  • Enthusiasm
  • Empathy
  • Passion

Entertainers feel at home in all areas of the entertainment industry. Actors, singers, hosts, comedians… Give them a stage and the opportunity to infect people with enthusiasm and joy, and ESFP types are in their element.

What is the most common personality type?

The most common of the 16 personality types are Logistician (ISTJ) and Defender (ISFJ). Both makeup around 13 percent of all personalities – together they make up almost 30 percent. Rounded up, almost every third person is either a logistician or a defender.

Close behind is the consul with around 12 percent and the executive with 11 percent. The clear pattern: The majority of people fall into the group of guardians. These four personality types alone cover around 50 percent of all people.

What is the rarest personality type?

The rarest of the 16 personality types is the advocate (INFJ). Its share is less than one percent. At around two percent, protagonists are also a rare personality type. A lot of other guys hover around a percentage of around five percent.

If you look at the distribution among the genders, the rarest personality type for women is the Virtuoso (ISTP). The classic role model continues to play a crucial role here. A great penchant for technology, tools, and manual work is still typically male. The Commander’s Leadership Personality (ENTJ) is also very rare among women.

Where are the 16 personalities used?

The 16 personality types can be used both privately and in various professional contexts. Privately, they can help individuals gain a better understanding of their own character. People can use these profiles to get to know themselves better, question their self-image, better understand their own behavior, or assess their reactions in specific situations. Analyzing one’s personality type can be both fascinating and enlightening, allowing individuals to compare their own perception with the provided description.

Businesses and coaches also make use of the 16 personalities. They analyze whether a candidate is a good fit for a team or whether a coaching client is suited for a particular profession. The profiles are compared with job requirements and expectations to support personnel selection. Additionally, personality types (or variations thereof) are sometimes used in matchmaking services to help find individuals who are likely to harmonize well with each other.



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