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HomeRelationship73 Questions To Get To Know Your Friends Better

73 Questions To Get To Know Your Friends Better

How much do you know about your friends’ lives and beliefs? Here are 73 questions to help you get to know your friends better and find out!

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts we can receive in life. Your relationship with a friend is different from that with your partner, neighbors, colleagues, or acquaintances. Since you can always strengthen your bond with them, here are 73 questions to help you get to know your friends better.

It’s not uncommon for us to overlook many aspects of our friends’ lives. Sometimes we take things for granted or simply forget to dig a little deeper. We are confident that by asking the following questions to get to know your friends better, you will discover things you didn’t know about them before.

Questions to Get to Know Your Friends Better

Experts agree that friendship is good for your health. The support, companionship, and assistance a friend can offer translate into mental stability, reduced loneliness, increased self-esteem, and a sense of purpose in life.

That’s why researchers recommend that older adults maintain their friendships.

To access all these benefits and at the same time strengthen a lasting relationship, it’s important to deepen your bond with your friends. This involves strengthening the ties of communication, allowing you to learn more about them. Here are some questions to help you get to know your friends better.

01. How do you prefer to be comforted when you’re feeling sad?

This is a very important question to ask so you know what to do and what not to do the next time your friend is feeling down.

02. What are you most proud of?

In general, of course. We all have things that make us proud. These can range from personal achievements (like a college degree) to things involving others (like a family).

03. What have you been most ashamed of?

This is the flip side of the previous question. Just as there are things that make us proud, there are also things that make us feel ashamed. A true friendship should be aware of both.

04. What is your biggest fear?

Fear of ending up alone, losing your parents, and death are some of the most common ones.

05. Do you believe in life after death?

With one of the questions to get to know your friends better, you can inquire about their spiritual beliefs. It’s at least a question that leads to an interesting conversation!

06. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Knowing your friends’ future expectations is also part of building friendships with people in your circle. You can also step it up a notch and ask about how they see themselves in 10 and 20 years.

07. What is your favorite food?

You might already know what their favorite food is, or at least you think you do. Be sure to ask this question anyway. You might be in for a surprise!

08. Is there something you’ve done in the past that you regret?

Of course, the answer will likely be yes because we’ve all done or said something we regret.

09. What would you consider unforgivable?

Betrayal? A lie? Hypocrisy? There are many things that people find unforgivable, and knowing this can be very useful in building a friendship.

10. What inspires you?

What gives you a burst of creativity and allows you to fully engage in a project? For some, it’s music. For others, it’s meditation. Everyone has their own way of finding inspiration.

11. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful thing about friendship?

There are many ingredients for a healthy friendship. Respect, communication, empathy, and loyalty are just a few of them.

12. What are your short and medium-term goals right now?

We’ve already mentioned the idea of long-term goals in previous questions about getting to know your friends better. However, it’s a good idea to also ask about short- and medium-term goals. Maybe you can actively do something to help make them happen!

13. What makes you laugh?

Knowing what makes your friends laugh helps you create fun moments that you can all share. Humor is a great way to bring people together.

14. What one thing have you made a habit of in your daily life?

Positive things, of course! Habits make us who we are, so they define our personality.

15. What is your idea of happiness?

For many people, happiness is the ultimate achievement in life. If you know what makes your friends happy, you can help them find things that bring them joy.

16. What about success?

Success is another of the great paradigms of modern life. Your friends’ definition of success can help you positively evaluate the achievements they perceive as such.

17. Do you believe in some conspiracy theory?

These days there are thousands and thousands of conspiracy theories, so some of your friends probably believe at least one of them. Just like other get-to-know-your-friends questions, this can lead to hours of interesting conversations!

18. What do you think a perfect day would look like?

Because our tastes and ideas about perfection differ, what we consider a perfect day also differs.

19. Is there something you used to believe in but have now given up?

We are constantly changing our minds about what we think and do. Wouldn’t it be special if your friends changed the ideals or beliefs they used to hold?

20. Who do you admire most in the world?

We all have role models. They can be people who have achieved great things, or people we respect for what they stand for or for their ideas. If you really want to get closer to your friends, you need to know who that person is and what he means to them.

21. Do you have any phobias?

Phobias are described as irrational fears. They can develop towards anything, from cheese (turophobia) to the color yellow (xanthophobia).

22. What’s one thing you feel you need to achieve in your life?

Having a child, a stable marriage, wealth, a house, and good health are some of the most common answers.

23. What’s the most traumatic experience you’ve ever been through?

Anything that puts your life in danger or pushes you to the extreme works here. Knowing these kinds of stories is one of the goals of the questions to get to know your friends better.

24. What’s your favorite TV series and movie?

With the rise of streaming entertainment services, we all have a favorite TV series and movies. You can create an open list where both of you include your top picks.

25. If money were no obstacle for you, what would you buy?

The first thing they mention could actually be your friend’s true desire. But by posing hypothetical scenarios like this, you can learn something new about them.

26. What’s the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to you?

Sometimes, luck finds all of us at once, and coincidences defy the bounds of logic. Your friend surely has such an anecdote.

27. How do you value your relationship with your parents?

This question can reveal how they truly feel about their parents and how harmonious their relationship is at present.

28. What do you dislike the most in life?

Whatever makes you feel most uncomfortable or triggers negative feelings fits this answer. It doesn’t have to be major things; even minor annoyances count. For example, walking behind someone who is very slow or doing the dishes can count!

29. Is there anything you consider too serious to joke about?

We mentioned in the questions to get to know your friends better above that humor is useful for building relationships. However, it’s good to know which boundary not to cross with them. Black or racist humor might offend them rather than make them laugh.

30. How much do you know about cooking?

If the answer is very little, then maybe you can teach them a trick or two. If your cooking skills are also moderate, the two of you can learn together. Cooking class, anyone?

31. Do you have stage fright?

This may seem like an insignificant question, but it can save your friends from some awkward situations by not putting them in a position where they have to speak in public.

32. What activity would you say you enjoy the most in the company?

Watching a movie? Exercising? Hiking in the mountains? Playing video games? This is a great question to discover future activities you can enjoy together.

33. Do you think you have your life together?

The answer is likely no for many of us, so if that’s the case, try to figure out why. After all, no matter how stable our lives are, it’s impossible to be 100% satisfied with them.

34. What do you miss most about being a child?

Childhood is one of the most missed stages of life. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what your best friend misses most about their childhood?

35. Do you consider yourself a superstitious person?

This is another question to get to know your friends better, serving as an introduction to an interesting conversation.

36. Do you consider yourself a competitive person?

And if so, what’s the best example of a competitive attitude in your life?

37. Is there a hidden talent that I’m not aware of?

A talent is a skill or gift that is exceptional without much practice. Everyone has a talent; we just sometimes choose to hide it.

38. Do you have a bad habit you’d like to leave behind?

Maybe you can help them leave it behind. Quitting smoking, respecting sleep hours, or avoiding procrastination are some examples.

39. What’s your favorite video game?

We live in the heyday of the video game industry, so knowing which title specifically attracts your friend will help you connect on the virtual front.

40. What do you think about fashion?

This is another seemingly trivial question that can tell you more than you think. For example, it can help you choose a gift you want to give them or recommend something.

41. What do you think of current society?

In general, of course. Customs, values, progress, and so on are all good topics here.

42. Do you think the future of society is promising?

This is also a question that can be used to have a profound conversation. On its own, this question can lead to many more questions, allowing you to talk about what you both think the future will look like.

43. Would you like to have been born in a different era?

If so, in which era? Why? What role would you play in it? Hypothetical scenarios are a great way to ask questions to get to know your friends better.

44. What’s your favorite book?

If both of you are fans of reading, this is the place to exchange your favorite books and authors.

45. What’s your favorite social network?

You might already know, but it’s worth asking!

46. Is there something that makes you daydream?

What are the things that create a real fantasy in your waking life? They can be ideas, sensations, thoughts, books, movies, or even reactions.

47. What do you think I should know about you as a friend?

This is one of the basic questions to get to know your friends better that you can’t skip. Yes, it’s very direct, but sometimes it’s the best way to get straight to the point and connect with them.

48. How would you rate your current life from 1 to 10?

One is very bad, and ten is great. What score would they give their life?

49. What do you think about politics?

For many people, politics is fertile ground for conversation. But others simply ignore it. Knowing your friend’s political beliefs can help you steer clear of certain ideas or engage in discussions when appropriate.

50. What do you do to relax?

Some people do meditation, others do yoga. There are those who listen to music and also who prefer to connect with nature. What is their way?

51. Do you value more intelligence or appearance?

This is a classic question you can’t skip when trying to get to know your friend better.

52. Is there a particular scent you like?

If so, why do you find it appealing? The answer might guide you towards future gifts or surprises of any kind!

53. Is there something you’re too old for, but you still do?

Too old in the eyes of society, of course. (Or at least maybe a part of it.)

54. What song can’t you help but sing along to whenever you hear it?

Knowing their taste in music is another thing you can pick up by asking questions to get to know your friends better.

55. Do you believe in love at first sight?

For some people, love at first sight is a myth, while others think it’s a meaningless ideal. Many people, however, do believe in love at first sight.

56. What do you usually do on weekends?

This is a recommended question to ask when your friendship is just starting.

57. What are the three most important things in your life right now?

Material things, like objects. A video game, a piece of jewelry, or a childhood toy… It could be anything! To use another hypothetical scenario, ask them to think about the things they would save first in a fire.

58. What turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary one for you?

Just like with other “get to know your friends” questions, you can use the answer to your advantage to surprise your friend in the future.

59. What motivates you to keep going when you fail at something?

Knowing this can help you remind them the next time they stumble. A helping hand is always a big part of having a friend.

60. Do you consider yourself a thrifty person?

Saving is crucial in adult life, so this is also a question you can use to get to know them better.

61. What object would you like to have in your life right now?

We’ve already mentioned a question to find out about three objects that are particularly important to them. Now you can ask about what material object they would like to have in their life right now.

62. Is there something specific that raises your stress levels?

Stress catalysts vary from person to person. How they respond to them does too. If you know this, you can avoid exposing them to certain stressful situations.

63. Would you say you’re a patient person?

This is another answer that you can practically apply to your friendship.

64. Do you believe in second chances?

If so, under what conditions?

65. How do you feel about forgiveness?

This is a question that complements the previous one and other questions to get to know your friends better. In many friendships, forgiveness is an important part of maintaining the relationship.

66. If you were elected president, what would you want to change about the country?

You can skip this question if your friend has already decided that they don’t like politics, of course. Although, now that we’re talking about it, it’s still a hypothetical situation…

67. If you could change your name, what name would you choose?

You can also ask them about a nickname or a shortened version of their first name that suits them better.

68. Do you consider yourself a jealous person?

Jealousy is an emotion that manifests not only in a romantic relationship but in any type of relationship. It’s important to know this about someone.

69. What’s the strangest thing on your bucket list?

This doesn’t necessarily have to be what they’d most like to achieve, but what is far from the norm on such a list.

70. Do you consider yourself an intelligent person?

This is also a fun question to get to know your close friends better. Although you might think otherwise, many intelligent people don’t consider themselves as such.

71. What makes you cry?

With this question, you can also ask about the things they do when they cry.

72. What would you like to say to your past self?

We can’t change the past, but we can engage in scenarios like these that allow us to reflect.

73. What do you think about me?

We want to end our questions to get to know your friends with the only one on our list that refers to you. Knowing what your friends think of you is also important!

We hope you find the questions we’ve chosen helpful in connecting with your friends. Don’t feel obligated to mechanically go through the questions. Try to make it a natural exercise. Also, don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions based on their answers!

Also, maybe interesting for you.



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