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HomeFinancial GrowthThe 10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

The 10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

Whether you’re saving for a delightful trip or home renovations, or you’ve been patiently waiting for that perfect handbag, it’s always useful to save a bit without compromising your lifestyle. Here are 10 simple ways to achieve that.

01. Save on your home

save money in home

Rent or a loan is often a significant expense. You can save on this by downsizing, but that can be quite impactful. Fortunately, there are also small tricks.

Tips to save on your housing:

  • Schedule an appointment with the bank to review your mortgage. Because interest rates are historically low, there’s a good chance you can save some money this way. Compare different banks (including the costs associated with the review, not just the percentage!).
  • Consider a roommate: you can rent out extra spaces in your house and other expenses.

02. Save on your transportation

Transportation costs can also be a significant expense. Try to use your bike, public transport, or walk as much as possible, good for your health and your wallet. Public transportation is often cheaper than using a car. If you still need to use a car, consider carpooling with your colleagues.

Tips to save on your car:

  • Watch your driving style: try to maintain a constant speed and don’t drive excessively fast.
  • Ensure your tires have the correct pressure.
  • Compare different insurers and negotiate the price.
  • Compare fuel prices at different gas stations.
  • Park wisely: it’s better to park a bit farther away, so you take more steps and save a few euros.

03. Save on leisure

A significant amount of money is often spent on leisure activities. Drinks with friends, an expensive gym subscription, or dining out can add up. Consider the following tips to save on your leisure expenses.

Tips to save on leisure:

  • Visit the library more often instead of buying books or exchanging books with friends.
  • Review your gym subscription: do you really go to the gym that often? It’s a waste to pay monthly if you don’t use it enough; find a plan that suits you. Running or walking is free and a healthy alternative.
  • Host home dinners: ask friends or family to each bring a small dish. You’ll save a lot and get to try new things.
  • Subscribe to your favorite magazine: often, you pay more if you buy it monthly at the newsstand.

04. Save on travel

Travel cost

No, you don’t have to abandon all your travel plans! But with these tips, you can already save a lot.

Tips to save on travel:

  • Travel during the low season: it’s often much cheaper than during the high season.
  • Look for promotions: booking early can save you a lot.
  • Be original: if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that you don’t always have to fly to the other side of the world. Try a staycation or explore by train.

05. Save on clothes

Believe us, we understand that you need clothes! But follow these tips and save a lot.

Tips to save on clothes:

  • Invest in timeless pieces that you can wear for a long time. Wait for sales if necessary.
  • Buy vintage: give clothes a second life and be kind to your wallet and the environment.
  • Sell clothes online: use platforms like Vinted or secondhand.be to sell clothes you no longer wear.
  • Swap clothes with your friends: maybe they have gems that you can exchange for the things you no longer wear.

06. Save on Telephone, Internet and TV costs

In this modern world, it is almost impossible to live without telephone, internet, and TV. We need them for communication, entertainment, and information.

But all those services and devices can be quite expensive. Fortunately, there are ways you can save on your telephone, internet and TV costs.

Tips to save on telephone, internet, and TV:

1. Compare prices

Before signing a new contract for phone, internet, or TV, it’s always wise to compare different providers. There are various comparison sites available where you can easily see which provider offers the most affordable package that suits your needs.

2. Choose everything from one provider

If you want to take phone, internet, and TV, it might be advantageous to bring everything under one provider. Many providers offer package deals where you get a discount if you take multiple services.

Also, we recommend contacting your current provider and seeing if there are possibilities to negotiate the price of your phone, internet, or TV subscription.

Sometimes they can offer special discounts or other options to keep you as a customer. It’s definitely worth trying!

3. Consider refurbished equipment

If you’re looking for a new phone, tablet, or TV receiver, consider buying refurbished equipment. Refurbished means that the device has been repaired, making it often cheaper than a brand-new one.

Developments are happening very fast, and the needs of your children are continually changing. It’s smart to limit their screen time (and yours). By choosing refurbished products, you can save a considerable amount of money. A nice additional benefit: it’s better for the environment.

4. Subscribe to services that match your usage

Before you sign a phone subscription or internet and TV package, it’s essential to think about your usage. Look at your calling and internet behavior and choose a subscription that fits.

The same goes for streaming services and paid TV. With a subscription for various channels that you never watch, you’re pouring your money down the drain!

By carefully considering your needs, you never pay for services you don’t use.

5. Turn off the TV when you’re not watching

A simple but effective way to save on TV costs is to turn off the television when no one is watching. Many people leave the TV on unnecessarily, resulting in unnecessary energy consumption and higher costs.

A larger screen also consumes more energy than a smaller one; that’s also something you can consider if applicable. With a large TV that is on all day, it quietly consumes a lot of energy and falls into the category of major energy consumers in the house! Besides, your TV will also break sooner if it’s on day and night.

6. Sit down with your children

As a final tip, we recommend involving your children in your efforts to save, to the extent that this is possible and applicable to their age. Discuss with them your dilemma regarding the high costs and environmental impact.

Make agreements about screen time and emphasize the importance of turning off lights and electrical appliances when they are not in use.

Do you have a smart meter at home? Then you can show them how much, for example, an hour of TV costs in electricity. By making it much clearer and more vivid for your children, they will be more willing to contribute and make concessions if necessary.

07. Save on food & drinks

We are happy to talk with you about how you can save on food. It can help to choose cheap recipes, cook economically, and measure and store your groceries properly. This way you also waste less food. Anyone who wastes less food can save up to $138 per person per year.

The 6 best budget tips for your kitchen:

1. Cheap recipes

Meat is often the most expensive part of dinner. Therefore, choose vegetarian recipes more often with healthy meat substitutes such as eggs or legumes like brown or white beans, chickpeas, and lentils. This is often much cheaper. And opt for recipes with seasonal vegetables.

2. Less ready-made

Preparing your own meal is often cheaper than a ready-made meal, a ready-made salad, or a meal kit. You can also save money on herbs: you can make your own spice mixes from dried herbs and grow your own herbs instead of buying fresh herbs in the store.

3. Cook to measure

If you cook exactly enough, you don’t have to throw anything away. It’s a shame, of course, if the food you paid for ends up in the trash! To measure the right portions, you can use a measuring cup, kitchen scale, or spaghetti measurer. You cook just enough for your family members. A handy tool for weighing pasta, rice, and couscous is the “Eetmaatje” (Eat measure). Look here to see what is the right portion for you.

4. Cook economically

You can also save money while cooking. If you don’t set the heat too high, put a lid on the pan, and use little water, it can save you money on your (energy) bill over the year. Here are some tips:

  • Choose a pan that matches the amount you’re preparing. Also, place the pan on a matching burner, so that the pan completely covers the burner.
  • Use a little water when cooking. A small layer of 1-2 cm is enough to keep vegetables and potatoes from drying out.
  • Put the lid on the pan.
  • Cook one-pot meals regularly. It uses less energy than cooking with 3 pans.
  • Cook for several days at once and freeze part of it.
  • Use the microwave more often; it is the most energy-efficient. Baking in the oven consumes the most energy.

5. Tasty and Inexpensive with Leftovers

Half a zucchini, a few old slices of bread, or some leftover cooked rice? Take the leftovers from your fridge, freezer, or pantry as a starting point for a new meal. With leftover vegetables, fish, rice, pasta, or potatoes, you can easily make a delicious soup, omelet, stir-fry, or salad. Tasty and inexpensive! Look here for more tips on leftovers.

6. Store food and drinks wisely

Store food in the right place to keep it fresh for longer. Of course, it’s also wise to keep an eye on the expiration date.

Fresh products that spoil quickly, such as meat and fish, have a “use by” (TGT) date, and you should eat them by this date.

Products with a “best before” (THT) date, such as milk, yogurt, uncooked rice, and pasta, can often still be safely consumed after the date. Look, smell, and taste a bit to assess the quality.

08. Save energy

save energysave energy

You can also save a lot on your electricity, gas, and water bills. These are some tips.

Tips to save on energy:

  • Replace all your light bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs
  • Turn the thermostat down one degree
  • Avoid idle energy: according to an American study, an electronic device uses 75% of its energy if you leave it on standby.
  • Ensure good insulation
  • Seal cracks and cracks, close your interior doors
  • Use less water: turn off the tap while you soap your hands or hair

09. Save on laundry

Large loads, small loads… They can quickly cost you a lot. Fortunately, you can also save on this:

Tips to save on laundry:

  • Use cold washing cycles.
  • Wash your clothes only when necessary; often, airing them outside can be sufficient.

10. Save on finances

Finally, you can also save on financial matters. With historically low-interest rates, your savings hardly yield anything.

Tips to save on your money:

  • Have a lot of savings? Consider investing; consult your banker for advice.
  • Compare banks: not only for loans but also for your current and savings accounts, as they often charge high fees.
  • If you use a credit card, do not pay back in installments; banks charge high-interest rates for this.
  • Optimize for tax efficiency: this way, you can save a lot on your tax return.



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