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HomeThe Law Of AttractionManifestation: Asking the Universe for What We Want, Does It Work?

Manifestation: Asking the Universe for What We Want, Does It Work?

Have you ever heard the term “manifest”? In simple terms, it’s the practice of asking the universe for what you want and, most importantly, receiving it.

This concept has gained popularity, especially due to The Secret, which promises access to resources like dream houses, ideal partners, or dream jobs.

However, the misconception lies in thinking positive thoughts alone will magically materialize desires. Let’s delve into what manifestation truly entails.

What is manifesting?

Everyone has dreams and visions. Some dream of traveling around the world, while others want to open their own café or long for their dream partner. Some of these goals seem unattainable. But you can shape reality yourself with the power of your thoughts! The magic word for this is “manifesting”.

By manifesting you mean consciously influencing your reality through the power of your thoughts. This allows you to make your wishes and goals come true.

Because with a positive mindset, it is easier for you to actively recognize and take advantage of opportunities. By manifesting correctly, you can consciously influence your thoughts and feelings so that you can achieve goals that you thought were impossible.

The spiritual explanation

The focus of the spiritual perspective is the law of attraction and the energies associated with it. Every energy has a certain frequency.

According to the law, like attracts like. This means that you receive the energy you send back at the same frequency. This can refer to pretty much anything: situations, experiences, actions, or people.

So if you have an optimistic approach to life, good situations will happen to you and you will also meet positive people. Accordingly, the external world is a reflection of your internal world.

Good to know: The law of attraction may sound like a superstition to some. It is a law from quantum physics!

The scientific explanation

The scientific view, on the other hand, does not believe in energy, but in the power of thoughts. According to science, our attitudes and beliefs are primarily responsible for our lives.

This is exactly where manifestation comes in: By becoming aware of your attitudes and opinions, you can influence them in a targeted manner.

Compared to the spiritual explanation, the scientific angle is a little more cautious about which desires can be manifested. So you can only manifest what you influence over. This includes your attitudes, your emotions, and your thoughts. For example, by manifesting more self-confidence, you could land a very well-paying dream job.

Even though both explanations see different reasons for manifesting, they come to the same conclusion — manifesting works.

The Foundation of Manifestation: Universe’s Abundance

Manifestation is rooted in the idea that the universe is abundant and constantly expanding, offering us access to this abundance. The catch lies in the fact that we don’t live in a world of unicorns; each person carries their wounds and traumas, be they generational, personal, or cultural. To manifest successfully, the initial step involves introspection—looking within oneself to recognize, soothe, and heal.

Crucial Steps in Manifestation: Belief and Exploration

A fundamental principle of manifestation is to deep belief that we deserve what we ask for. This crucial step often requires a lot of personal exploration, therapy, big conversations, pages, and pages of writing. It’s the one we least want to do, but which is the most important? It’s like the key that unlocks everything else.

For example, you want your dream house. But it’s not cheap, it’s beyond your budget, and many buyers want it. If you go straight to “manifestation”, you will write in your journal, ideally on the new moon, that you want this house. Then sit on your laurels and wait for it to magically arrive.

So it will never happen.

For what? Because you skipped the crucial step of asking yourself this: why is this your dream home? Is she? Or is it your parents’ or partner’s dream home?

Then how do you feel about buying it? You have thoughts like “What will people think?”, “I can’t invest that much because […]”, “it’s too luxurious for me, I don’t deserve that”, “ Why should I be the one to have it?”

This is an example of something material, but it applies to everything.

Manifestation’s Timely Reality: Not Instantaneous

We must take the time to dissect what is happening within us to discover who we are, what we deeply want… and what limits us. False beliefs, automatic mechanisms, lies from the subconscious, and decision-making by the ego: we have a lot of work to do.

Also, the manifestation is not instantaneous. When you’re ready, it’s amazing how quickly it goes.

The trick is to have the patience and honesty to recognize when you are truly ripe to manifest something.

The more we deconstruct our internal blockages, the more we reconnect with who we are. And with that authenticity comes a beautiful clarity about who we are and what we want. Once it’s clear, it’s a good time to take action and make your official requests to the universe.

How do we do that? I use writing a lot.

Action in Manifestation: The Power of Writing

I take a nice quiet moment, which I like to make more special (with music, candles, etc.) and I write my requests in my journal. I speak in the present tense ( I am, I have, I do …), I am clear in my requests and I provide a lot of details and clarifications. I end by writing “THAT OR BETTER” because sometimes we are so fixed on an idea that we don’t see the solution that would be even better.

After that? We let go! We go on with our lives and observe what happens, and how we feel.

It happens that we manifest something and, a few days later, we gain new clarity and in the end, it’s not really what we want. This clarifies what is best aligned with us.

And when can we demonstrate? At all times! You may see that it is recommended to do it on the new moon. It’s a nice plus if you can, but honestly, what’s MOST important is you. How you feel and how much you BELIEVE in your requests.

If you get to this state and it’s not the new moon, it’s okay. Do it and enjoy this beautiful energy!

Read the Post: How To Transform Your Money Beliefs To Manifest Financial Success with the Law of Attraction

Manifesting — most frequently asked questions

What exactly is manifesting?

Manifesting is the conscious control of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and actions to achieve your desires and goals. This means that you can freely shape your life according to your ideas using the power of your thoughts.

Can you manifest by accident?

Every person manifests in almost all moments of their life. We do not manifest by accident, but simply unconsciously.

What is the best way to manifest?

The best way to manifest is to visualize and internalize your goals and desires. Vision boards or journals can help you with this. It is also important to have a positive attitude and to trust yourself and your abilities.



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