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HomeRelationshipBuilding Love That Lasts: 5 Keys to a Healthy Relationship

Building Love That Lasts: 5 Keys to a Healthy Relationship

Shared quality time is important to keep your relationship strong, enjoyable, and fulfilling. Here are some tips on how you can achieve that.

A relationship must be nurtured daily so that both partners feel cared for, valued, and loved. There are many ways and moments to express love and tenderness. Time together is particularly important, even though it’s not always easy to plan joint activities, as daily life is often hectic and leaves little room for breaks.

Today, we have a few tips for quality time together, so that you can enjoy shared moments, experiences, and activities. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology reminds us that shared time is one of the most important pillars of a relationship. Find out why this is the case and be inspired by our recommendations.

Why is time together so important in a relationship?

At the beginning of a relationship, emotional and physical closeness is crucial for building familiarity and strengthening the bond. In his Triangular Theory of Love, Sternberg emphasizes that passion and intimacy dominate in quality time. Physical experiences, mutual support, and emotional self-disclosure (sharing important information about oneself) strengthen trust.

Quality time together is crucial for promoting well-being within the relationship. A study published in the journal Contemporary Family Therapy makes it clear that couples who spend more time together are more satisfied with their relationship and perceive greater closeness to their partner.

Therefore, shared time is a crucial foundation in every relationship: it is important for expressing affection and tenderness, sharing experiences, and creating shared memories.

Quality Time: 5 Keys for a Healthy Relationship

Gary Chapman provides us with some tips in his book “The 5 Love Languages” to enjoy quality time with a partner.

01. Show Full Attention

Quality time doesn’t just mean sharing physical space with another person. It’s much more about attention, creating a deep connection by engaging your five senses. Put your phone aside and focus exclusively on your partner. Look into your loved one’s eyes, listen attentively, and enjoy this shared moment without mentally engaging in other topics.

02. Plan Activities Together

Activities for two are fun, create shared memories, and foster a deep emotional connection. Try out different hobbies, attend concerts, and theater performances, or enjoy sports, walks, or hikes in nature.

03. Learn to Listen

When you listen to your partner, you can express your interest and love clearly. Ask relevant questions, try to empathize with the person you love, and understand their situation. They may not necessarily need advice or your opinion but simply a good listener to feel understood and accompanied. You provide them with a safe space, appreciation, and affirmation.

04. Engage in Self-disclosure

Use the time together to create emotional intimacy by sharing your inner world with the person you love. How do you feel? What have you experienced today? What troubles you or what do you expect from your relationship? Intimate, honest, and open conversations create a deep connection in a relationship. Some people find it challenging to open up, but it’s worthwhile because it allows you to connect with your own feelings and learn a lot about yourself.

05. Show Initiative

Your partner will appreciate it if you take the initiative to plan the time together. You can suggest ideas and plans or even organize a surprise. It’s about breaking away from routine and experiencing the time together intensely and consciously.

More Time Together

Spending time with your favorite person can be complicated at times because we all have personal, professional, and family commitments.

However, shared time is crucial for bonding and cohesion and even acts as a protective factor against the effects of external stress (Milek, 2015). So, if you feel that you don’t have enough high-quality experiences with your partner, don’t hesitate to express this need. You can find ways together to increase satisfaction through shared time and strengthen your bond.



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