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Law of Attraction: This Is How The Law Of Attraction Works (9+ Exercises)

At The Inspire Muse, we’re not very spiritual. However, we do believe that when you truly want something (and you put in the effort), you can achieve whatever your heart desires. Some people have faith in themselves, while others turn to the Universe. Here’s how you do the latter, with the Law of Attraction (and its 3 steps).

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction states that everything you think and feel will eventually manifest. In other words, your thoughts create your future reality.

If you consciously or unconsciously focus on the negative aspects of something, you’ll attract more of that. If you generally see the glass as half full, you’ll encounter more positive things in your life.

How exactly does the Law of Attraction work?

Here, opinions can differ. One explains the functioning of the Law of Attraction as positive self-influence, while another believes it has roots within quantum physics. However, generally, the Universe is considered as the primary source.

Most books you can read about the Law of Attraction – like “The Law of Attraction” by Esther Hicks, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, or “Thought Vibration” by William Walker Atkinson – emphasize that the Universe plays a significant role in this, so we’ll stick with that notion.

The general consensus of the Law of Attraction is that you are constantly influenced by universal forces, whether you’re aware of it or not. Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions are seen as ‘neutral’ in this context. You simply receive what you emit.

What does that mean?

For the Universe, it’s all the same. It doesn’t matter if you really want your growing or if you constantly worry about your finances.

You attract what you focus on, whether it’s negative or positive. The Universe simply responds with, ‘Hey, you’re constantly thinking about this, so it must be important to you. Let me give you more of it.’

Law of Attraction example

So, if you find yourself lying awake at night worrying about how to get that mortgage approved? Is that the only thing you talk about? And do you feel jealous when you see others getting their purchases approved? Then that’s your signal to the Universe that you clearly want more of that!

Before you know it, you not only experience more financial struggles, but your negative thoughts seep into other aspects of your life. You end up in a negative spiral, so to speak.

The opposite can also become true.

When you speak highly of that potential growing, already envision how you’ll celebrate it in your thoughts, and consistently assume it has given, you’re emitting positive energy. This is contagious: not only is that growing within easy reach, but it seems like everything is going your way — your positive vibrations put you on an upward spiral.

In essence, you get more of the same:

Hence, the theory emphasizes being conscious of what you think and feel. After all, that determines what you attract and thus shapes your reality.

emotions and deep-seated beliefs

As previously mentioned, the Universe doesn’t differentiate between what you want — good or bad, black or white, big or small; you get what you constantly speak and think about. This seems like a reassuring thought at first — “So all I have to do is think positively about what I want and it will show up.” Exactly.

However, there’s a sneaky pitfall here. Most people are not consistently in their best mindset or state of being.

They might feel anxious deep down, lack self-confidence, or hold deep-seated negative beliefs. These emotional and mental states align with their wishes.

For example:

  • If your biggest desire is to become a billionaire, but you were raised with the belief that “wealth is bad,” you will unconsciously associate wealth with something negative, no matter how much you ‘want’ it.
  • If you really want to find the partner of your dreams, but you suffer from low self-esteem (“I’m worthless, no one will ever love me”), then you’re unconsciously sending a very different signal to the Universe than what you’re thinking.
  • If it seems fantastic to be a successful entrepreneur, but deep down you believe it’s not meant for you (“my father was just a…,” “the environment I grew up in is…,” “without education…”), you’re actually telling the Universe that you don’t really want it.
  • If you’ve been dreaming about that flashy sports car for years, but you constantly complain about how much of a clunker your current car is, the Universe only hears the complaints.

In other words:

How you speak about something does not determine what you attract, it is the emotions and underlying beliefs you have that largely determine your success.

That’s why affirmations and vision boards are so important; they help to change the way you think about yourself and how you think about certain things. More on that later.

3 steps of the Law of Attraction: Wish, Believe, Receive

The Law of Attraction is always at work, even if you are not aware of it. From the moment you get up to the moment you go to bed; all the beliefs you have, the emotions you feel, and the way you talk about things affect your reality.

Of course, you want to influence that yourself, so that you attract exactly what you desire. According to the best-known books in the field, this is possible if you apply these three steps:

Step 1. Say What You Want

The theory of the Law of Attraction states that you must first be very clear about what you want to receive. You want to be as specific and concrete as possible, and we don’t just mean the goal. No, you also want to clearly describe how you feel when having or receiving your wish; what emotions do you feel? What thoughts do you experience? How does it look, how does it smell, how does it feel?

Step 2. Believe You Receive It

The second step is to be truly convinced that you are receiving it. You believe that the wishes you have sent forth become your reality; not just because you asked, but because you deserve it. So you will have to make short work of obstructive thoughts or negative beliefs.

Step 3. Let Go And Receive

Next, you sent it to the Universe. You’ve done what you need to do – express your wishes – so you can now trust that it will work out. Take the steps that come to you, the actions that feel right, and be grateful for the things you have and are going to receive. The Law states that if you behave as if you’ve already received what you want, it won’t be long before it manifests in your life.

Act as if everything you desire is already here…treat yourself as if you already are what you’d like to become.

Wayne Dyer

9 Practical Exercises To Use The Law of Attraction

The following exercises help you formulate your desires and create a strong visual image. This assists you in achieving your goals, regardless of whether you believe the Universe is responsible or you are.

In any case, it can’t hurt to put on paper exactly what you want and what it looks like. Visualization, meditation, and the use of positive affirmations have repeatedly shown positive effects on your mood, willpower, and discipline.

So, definitely give these exercises and try, even if you personally have little connection to the Law of Attraction. Who knows what you might set in motion?

Exercise 1: Write Down What You Want

The first step in manifesting something is clearly stating what you want. In this, you want to be as clear as possible because the sharper your goal or desire, the better you ‘attract’ it into your life. Therefore, think beyond the how or what and also focus on how it feels.

Writing down your intentions can help with this:

Open a document and consider what you want to achieve in every aspect of your life (work and career, finances, health, family and friends, love and romance, personal development, relaxation and enjoyment, and your social contribution), and then be as specific as possible:

  • What end result do you want to achieve? How does this look (in detail)?
  • Why is this important to you?
  • Within what timeframe?
  • What steps do you need to take to achieve this?
  • What emotions do you feel about this?
  • How does it feel to achieve this?
  • How does it look, smell, taste, and feel?
  • What kind of person do you need to be to have or do this?

This aligns with setting SMART goals, but here, the emphasis is on the actual experience and sensations (smelling, feeling, tasting). This can assist you in visualizing effectively.

Exercise 2: Create a Vision Board


Once you know what your desires are, it’s a good idea to make your dreams visual. A vision board is a perfect tool for this. Take your list from above and make it visually appealing in your own way.

You can do this by cutting out pictures from magazines that align with your goal or by creating something in Photoshop; include photos, products, mood images, quotes, or keywords that reinforce your wish.

It’s important that you encounter your vision board daily. Therefore, hang it in a place you pass by regularly or even make it wallpaper for both your laptop and phone. Many people also incorporate their vision board into their morning routine or meditation session; we’ll tell you more about this in exercise 4.

Exercise 3: Map Out Limiting Thoughts

As mentioned, many people struggle with manifestation due to unconscious limiting thoughts. They may not believe in themselves or their goals enough, and as a result, it often doesn’t come to fruition. Becoming aware of this is helpful, not only when you want to apply the Law of Attraction but also when you want to let go of old thought patterns.

One way to do this is by mapping out all the negative beliefs you have. You can use the life areas from the first exercise again (work and career, finances, health, etc.).

For each area, create a list and jot down your negative thoughts about the topic.

For example:

  • “I always thought that you need to be universally educated to…”
  • “I’m too old to pick up a painting course now.”
  • “With three children, I’ll never be able to…”
  • “She will never want to go on a date with me because…”

Exercise 4. Make a List of Affirmations

Affirmations are positive words that help you let go of negative thoughts and beliefs. We wrote an extensive article about the power of affirmations and how to use them. They can do wonders for your self-confidence and – in combination with the Law of Attraction – help you to take a break from your limiting thoughts — especially when you combine it with the exercise above:

Take the list you made in the previous assignment. Read it through. These are your old beliefs and thoughts. They don’t serve you, or your purpose, so they should make way for a positive mindset.

make a list of positive affirmations

So grab a pen and cross out your belief. Now write your desired reality behind it. Do this for all your negative beliefs.

For example:

  • “I always thought you had to be universally trained to…” — “I’ve got what it takes to run a business.”
  • “I’m too old to take up another painting class.” — ‘I am talented and passionate. That manifests itself in my creativity.’
  • “With three kids I’m never going to be able to spend my free time…” — “I have enough time and energy to pursue my passions.”
  • “She will never want to date me because…” — ” I am worthy of love and I easily attract people who enrich my life.”

You now end up with a list of positive affirmations. Reading these daily – preferably in the morning as the Miracle Morning recommends – will help you change your thought pattern.

Exercise 5. Meditate


The scientific results of the effect of meditation are truly astonishing: meditation makes the parts of your brain that deal with happiness and grow positivity. The areas where stress and unrest reside are actually getting smaller.

A miraculous advancement in your brain that helps you with the Law of Attraction. Not only because it makes you more positive (better “vibrations”, that is), but also because it can be a good visualization tool.

Start with five minutes a day, right after you’ve gone through your affirmations. Visualize all of your dreams and goals, especially focusing on what it feels like when those dreams come true. Make this a daily habit and try to work your way up to twenty-five minutes a day.

An accompanying meditation session is recommended when you notice that your mind quickly wanders.

Exercise 6. Act As If

The third step in consciously using the Law of Attraction is letting go. It may sound simple, but when you doubt yourself or your goal, you often tend to force things, which not only leads to frustration but also works against you.

Instead, express trust. One way to do this is by behaving as if you already possess what you wish to receive. Who is the person who has already achieved all your dreams and goals? What does he or she look like? How does he speak? How does she dress? How does he behave towards others? What does she talk about?

Behave like the person you want to be, and you will see that it won’t be long before this becomes your reality.

Exercise 7: Use a Manifestation Journal

Journaling is no longer seen as something boring. Fortunately, because writing down your thoughts and events is a fantastic way to process things and boost your personal development.

It also works wonderfully when applying the Law of Attraction:

Writing about your goals and ambitions in the present tense can help you make your dreams tangible. Additionally, it strengthens your self-confidence and sets a specific course. Therefore, keep a separate journal and write a few lines daily about how grateful you are for having achieved your goal. Again, you can focus on how it feels, even if you haven’t received it yet.

For example:

  • “I am grateful that I have found my dream job. Every day, I wake up with fresh enthusiasm and joy. I find challenges in my work, and I…”
  • “I am grateful that I have met my dream life partner. He/she gives me a sense of security, we have fun, and we…”

If you organize your morning through the Miracle Morning routine, this is a perfect exercise to include under ‘Scribing.’

Exercise 8: Maintain a Gratitude Journal

When you are convinced that positive vibrations influence your reality, it’s a good idea to seek out as much positivity as possible. A gratitude journal is a simple but effective way to do this; writing down what you are grateful for every day – big or small – will make you happier.

Therefore, spend a few minutes each day expressing gratitude. You can easily set aside a corner of your journal for this; call it ‘3 things I’m grateful for’ or ‘3 things that made me happy today’ and write down a few points daily.

  • “I am grateful for the cup of coffee my colleague treated me to.”
  • “I am grateful for having a warm bed.”
  • “I managed to go back to exercising today for the first time in a long while.”

These expressions of gratitude can indeed be integrated into a Miracle Morning routine.

Exercise 9: Speak Positively About It

Ultimately, you must believe in your own success and your dreams. By constantly complaining, talking about what you don’t want, or being convinced that you will fail, you will never achieve your goals. You are your own cheerleader, so speak only positively about yourself and your desires.

For example:

  • “No, I hear a lot of people saying this project is going to be a headache, but I’m really looking forward to it. I love challenges, and I’m sure I’ll learn a lot from them.”
  • “Yes, this month did turn out to be more expensive, but I know that everything will ultimately work out, and a year from now, I’ll be swimming in money!”
  • “I sense doubt in your voice, but if you only knew how powerful this choice feels to me… I’m confident this is the best decision for me.”

In addition, pay attention not only to what you say but also to whom you say it. Some people don’t support your goals, make you doubt, or have a downright negative influence on your life. In such a case it is better not to say anything, but rather to avoid them.

In short: 9 practical tips to help you manifest

Whether you believe in the power of the Universe or in your own decisiveness; The above practical exercises will help you, regardless of your beliefs. They map out negative thought patterns, help you determine your goals, and provide a piece of self-reflection. For one person this speeds up his or her manifestations, and the other gets a dose of intrinsic motivation in return!

So give them a try; one or all nine:

01. Write down what you want
02. Make a vision board
03. Map out limiting thoughts
04. Make a list of affirmations
05. Meditate
06. Act as if
07. Use a manifestation journal
08. Keep a gratitude journal
09. Speak positively about it



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