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HomeFinancial GrowthLet Money Flow Your Way: 6 Exercises For Financial Abundance

Let Money Flow Your Way: 6 Exercises For Financial Abundance

When we are just talking about money you can remain an uncomfortable topic, but why is that? Why do we learn that money is “dirty” or, conversely, the ultimate quick fix to happiness?

It’s high time to develop a healthy relationship with money. Only then does it become easier to attract money to you, according to Japanese money expert Ken Honda.

Does it sound a bit spiritual? Not really. Let’s explain how it works and share 6 simple exercises to help you create more financial abundance.

When we talk about money, we often don’t want to show that we’re too preoccupied with it (because money doesn’t buy happiness, right?). Or, on the contrary, we flaunt the money coming in and the beautiful things we can buy with it.

Despite the fact that many important things in life cannot be bought (such as health, happiness, and friendship, to name a few), money does indeed play a role in our society and therefore in our lives.

Financial Abundance

According to the Japanese author and money mindset expert, how we think about money is incredibly important and has everything to do with happy and unhappy money.

Happy money

What about your relationship with money? You can assess it by examining the emotions it evokes in you. Does it trigger emotions like stress, shame, fear, worry, or guilt? Or does it bring happiness and joy?

Negative emotions, according to the money expert (surprise, surprise), are not conducive to cash flow. Because that’s ultimately what you want to achieve: a cash flow with the goal of financial freedom so that you don’t experience stress or burden.

Honda advocates creating a happy environment for cash flow. The beauty of it? You can attract abundance and manifest it. You can do this with various aspects of your life, including money.

Here’s how:

01. Gratitude for money

Write down what you’re grateful for when it comes to money. This focuses on the things you do have or can do, rather than what you can’t do.

02. Goals

In general, working with goals is often effective. It’s the same with money. If you want to create financial abundance, make it clear to yourself what you want to achieve with the money.

03. Visualization

Visualization can help you attract abundance. Take a moment to sit down, close your eyes, and visualize what your ideal successful financial situation looks like. What do you see? What do you feel?

04. Watch Your Words

Words are incredibly important when it comes to manifesting. Words are often more powerful than you think. Instead of saying or thinking, “I have to save,” you can say, “I want to save to create financial abundance.”

05. Stop Comparing Yourself

If we constantly compare ourselves to others, it becomes difficult to create abundance. Comparing yourself to others is a typical example of thinking in scarcity rather than abundance. It will never be enough that way. Try to catch yourself doing this and let go of comparing your success to others.

06. Spend Money

Ideally, make purchases that you consider “worth it.” This way, you naturally create money. You spend money with a positive intention, preventing you from feeling guilty about your expenses.

Developing financial abundance is all about mindset. You’ve got this!



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