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HomePositive LifeLiving In The Now: 10 Mindfulness Tips To Be In The Moment

Living In The Now: 10 Mindfulness Tips To Be In The Moment

How can you live in the now when you are constantly overloaded and worrying thoughts fill your head? Introducing mindfulness! By acting consciously and actively considering your actions, you learn to live in the here and now. That not only feels good, but it also relieves a lot of stress. 10 ‘living in the now’ exercises:

Learning to live in the here and now: be mindful

You are constantly occupied with tomorrow. With what will happen in the future, with what could go wrong. With what you will do someday. Or you worry about yesterday. About the past, about what you should have done differently.

Tomorrow, next year, someday. But never with the here and now.

And although that may sound a bit mystical, it makes sense to pause and think about it:

Constantly rushing and never taking the time to simply ‘be’ takes a toll on your health. It makes you more susceptible to stress, depression, and anxiety disorders. Even your productivity and creativity suffer – something you, especially as a knowledge worker, can’t afford.

So, slow down. Take a moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow or what ‘could’ happen; focus on what is actually happening. Here. Now.

Mindfulness can help you with this:

Living in the now exercises: enjoying the moment with 10 tips

01. Do something with undivided attention

The basis of mindfulness is focusing your attention on one specific action, feeling, or task—completely immersing yourself in what you are experiencing at that moment. Actually, it’s not that difficult: leave multitasking aside and focus only on the task you are currently doing.

And it can be anything: drawing, eating, listening to music, cooking, or walking. As long as you are not simultaneously engaged in other things, such as checking your phone, having a conversation, or half-watching a Netflix series in the background.

02. Try the ‘4-7-8’ breathing technique

There are numerous breathing exercises you can do to bring yourself more into the present moment; from counting your breaths to alternating your nostrils. However, one of our personal favorites remains the ‘4-7-8’ breathing technique: breathe in for 4 seconds through your nose, hold for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds through your mouth.

By making your breath deep and long, you calm your endocrine system which produces adrenaline. Perfect for when you feel stress coming on or when you want to gain control over your thoughts.

03. Build reminders throughout the day

Sometimes, you’ll need to remind yourself to be in the ‘here and now’, especially when your working day is hectic. An audio-visual cue can help you pause and reflect.

For example, put a post-it with an inspiring message on your bathroom mirror or on your car dashboard. Change the background of your phone so that every time you check your smartphone, you see a quote that reminds you to take it easy. You can also set a notification (without sound!) that provides a pick-me-up at certain times.

The more signals you have in your environment, the easier it becomes to live more consciously.

04. Express your gratitude

Numerous studies have shown that reflecting on the small things that make you happy is incredibly good for your mood and overall happiness. If you’re looking for good mindfulness exercises, be sure to try this one out!

What can you do?

Don’t just focus on the successes and milestones you’ve achieved, but take a look at the “small” things around you: a colleague bringing you a cup of tea, a passage from a book that touched you, or that hour for yourself. Write down such things and look at them regularly.

It’s truly the little things that make a difference.

05. Step out of your comfort zone

the comfort zone

It’s familiar. It’s safe. Yet, you’ll have to step out of it more often if you want to live in the here and now: your comfort zone. Doing the same activities, talking to the same people, or performing the same routines repeatedly puts you on autopilot. Without thinking, you go through the motions. This is fantastic when building healthy habits, but to live more mindfully, you’ll need to surprise yourself more often.

So, do something new. However small it may be. The next time you go out to eat, choose a dish you would never normally pick. Strike up a conversation with someone you seemingly have nothing in common with or go to the movies alone.

“Do one thing every day that scares you”

Eleanor Roosevelt

06. Reflecting on the finiteness of things

Alright, it’s a bit morbid, but the following exercise is an excellent way to create a bit of awareness—especially when it comes to your relationships with others:

The next time you interact with a person—whether it’s a family member, friend, or colleague—ask yourself how it would affect you if this person were to die. You can never talk to them again. You’ll never see them again.

Would you do something differently? Say something different? Interact with them differently? Would you listen more attentively to their story?

Dark, but indeed confrontational. It makes you live in the here and now and contemplate things you are otherwise too busy for, things you “don’t have time for now,” or things you’ll do “another time.”

07. Learn to meditate

Meditation should not be overlooked when discussing tips for living in the present moment. It’s rightfully a cliché: meditation is perhaps one of the most effective ways to be mindful. It’s sitting in silence, with only your thoughts, and then letting them go. This might sound challenging for many people – “I can’t focus or sit still for that long” – but give it a try, and you’ll see that it’s quite simple.

Living in the now? Meditate for 20 minutes daily, and you’ll notice not only an increase in your focus but also in your mental resilience.

08. Perform boring chores (with attention)

No one really enjoys doing the dishes or vacuuming. Yet research shows that doing mundane chores is a great way to practice mindfulness. When you can give your undivided attention to something, you can push distracting thoughts into the background. Use all your senses:

  • What do you feel as the plates glide through your hands in the dishwater?
  • What do you smell as you mix the dish soap with warm water?
  • What do you see as dirty cups go underwater?
  • What do you hear as you scrape the brush over the dishes?
  • What do you taste… – no, that would be weird…

Living in the now? Vacuuming. Window cleaning. To wash up. To cook. Gardening. Walking the dog. Consequence? A clean house and a calm mind!

09. Keep a journal

Daily journaling – writing down your emotions, thoughts, and memories – helps you live in the present moment. It prevents a ‘full head’ and helps give structure to often abstract feelings. This way, you can look at them from a distance. Give it a try. In this article, we tell you all about the benefits of journaling and share 6 different ways you can do it.

10. Experience the sensations in your body

Paying attention to what you experience in your body helps bring your thoughts to the present moment. There are different ways you can do that.

01. Do a short body scan: Mentally go through your body. Start at the crown of your head and work your way down. What do you feel? “Hey, my knee itches” or “what a muscle pain in my right calf.” And while this may seem like a strange activity, it does make a difference. Once you focus on something as simple as an itchy nose, you are no longer engaged in anxious thoughts.

02. Practice yoga: Holding a yoga pose forces you to pay attention to your breath and observe the tension in your body. It’s a beautiful way to live more in the present moment.

03. Engage in endurance sports: If you find meditation challenging, try endurance sports. It helps you focus your attention on one specific movement or exercise for an extended period. It’s very healthy and an ideal way to get into a flow state.

04. Take a walk! Clearing your brain of stimuli doesn’t mean chatting with colleagues, checking Instagram, or reading a newspaper. The best way remains: taking a walk. Not only are you being physically active, but you also give your brain the chance to wander.

Learning to live in the here and now, summarized

There is always something going on that pulls your mind elsewhere. You worry about the future or reminisce about the past. The ‘here and now’? You rarely find yourself there. Mindful action proves to be able to help with this; by taking a little more time each day to reflect on what you are thinking and feeling at the moment, you live a more conscious life.

Here are some tips to live in the here and now:

01. Stop multitasking, do something with attention
02. Try the ‘4-7-8’ breathing technique
03. Build in reminders
04. Be grateful
05. Do something new, step out of your comfort zone
06. Be aware that some things end
07. Learn to meditate
08. Perform everyday tasks with attention
09. Keep a journal
10. Be physically active; walk, engage in endurance sports, or practice yoga



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