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HomePositive LifeThese 8 Simple Rules Will Make You Happier

These 8 Simple Rules Will Make You Happier

Do you feel like you’re constantly making the wrong decisions? Your life isn’t going the way you want it to? These simple rules can help you find more satisfaction.

What does it really take for a good life? Lots of money, success, and constant sunshine? Actually, it’s much simpler because most of the things that make us happy are within our control. Once our basic needs are met—like having a roof over our heads, enough to eat, and a safe environment—our satisfaction depends more on ourselves than we often believe.

And it’s not about how hard we fight for perceived success. Instead, simple rules that align our lives and values can make a big difference.

01. Who hesitates, means no

Do you often find yourself facing decisions where you hesitate to say yes? Where you’re just not sure what to do? Like a job offer that leaves you uncertain about whether you should accept it. There’s a simple rule that can help you with almost all decisions: If you’re hesitating to say yes, it’s usually because you actually mean no. Because when you truly want something, you know it deep within you.

You’ll make your life significantly easier by following this principle when making decisions: If it’s not a clear yes, it’s a no. And, in the process, you’ll also learn to better listen to your inner voice.

02. Free yourself from the expectations of others

From a young age, we’re often taught how we should be, what we should do, and what we absolutely shouldn’t do. What a “successful life” should look like. Newsflash: You don’t have to meet these expectations from your family, your environment, or society. You’re allowed to shape your life freely, just the way you want it.

If you want to climb the career ladder, have 1.5 children, and buy a house, that’s perfect—go for it. But it’s equally okay if you want something different. Once you manage to separate your personal desires and goals from the expectations of others, you’ll become much happier.

03. Be grateful

Our society is geared towards constant growth. We’re always supposed to want more and never be satisfied with what we have. Yet, this is often the root of all unhappiness. Instead of constantly thinking about what we don’t have and what we desperately need to be happy, we should regularly remind ourselves of what we already have.

What are you grateful for? Your beautiful home, your pet, your children, something to eat, your television?

Whatever it is, reminding yourself of it regularly will make you happier in the long run. The positive effects of gratitude on our contentment and health are now well-established scientifically.

04. Celebrate the small victories

Another important rule that will make you happier in the long run: celebrate not only life’s big achievements – a new job, a world trip, buying a condo – but also the small ones! Did you overcome your shyness and finally muster the courage to talk to your crush?

Congratulations, be proud of yourself, and treat yourself to a nice coffee or dance around your apartment.

Did you finally manage to wake up early for a week? Celebrate this achievement! The more you celebrate your small victories, the more content you will be in the long run.

05. Five minutes without family

Even if you love your family very much, you need some time for yourself alone. This applies to everyone in the house. Both parents and children should have some time for themselves, even if it’s often very limited for parents.

Try to take at least five minutes a day for yourself and do something just for you. If you can get more time for yourself, even better. Ideally, each family member should have at least half an hour of downtime – but a few minutes are a start.

These few minutes are enough to read a page in a book, quietly have a cup of coffee, or simply daydream. It’s important that during this time, you do something just for yourself and don’t let yourself be distracted.

Don’t use this time to pick up the laundry left lying around or quickly wash a few dishes; instead, do something that makes you happy at that moment. Your little personal break will have a positive impact on your happiness.

06. Do small things quickly

Some things will always stand in the way of your happiness. These are the little things waiting to be done. Taking out the trash, loading the washing machine, answering emails, or planning your weekend shopping. Many tasks that you keep putting off often take only a few minutes, and then the task is done.

However, tasks are postponed until it’s unavoidable. If you were to tackle things that take a maximum of two minutes immediately, you would benefit twice.

On one hand, you would have completed many small tasks that need to be done sooner or later, and on the other hand, your body rewards you with happiness hormones after completing a task.

This way, you create your own little happiness with just a few simple actions. The key is to consciously complete these tasks and remind yourself that accomplishing them is something positive.

07. Focus on the positive

Get off the negative thought carousel! Focus your thoughts on the good in your life. Remember what you have already achieved, look forward to something special, and always do something good for yourself. 

Many “apparent” worries circle around in our heads and take up a lot of energy, although they may never occur and are only present in thought form. This way you won’t lose your happiness.

08. Be a child!

What made you happy as a child? Was it rolling down a hill, a particular strawberry ice cream, or swinging on a swing? Do it today together with your child!

Children show their joy every day. They don’t take things too seriously. And they recognize the small joys in everyday life: a beetle, a beautiful butterfly, a dandelion in the meadow. Rejoice with them!



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