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HomeThe Law Of AttractionWhat Is Affirmation And How Do You Use It For More Self-Confidence?

What Is Affirmation And How Do You Use It For More Self-Confidence?

Affirmations are positive thoughts. By repeating them, the empowering statements become ingrained in your system, in your subconscious mind, and in your beliefs. Positive affirmations take a prominent place in your thoughts. What you think shapes your reality. The power of well-chosen words can have a particularly pleasant and powerful impact in this regard.

In many situations, self-confidence is far from being a luxury. Whether it’s a job interview for a new position, a project meeting where you want to present a new idea, or setting boundaries with a demanding colleague, in all these situations, you ideally want to speak with full confidence.

But how do you approach that when, in reality, you’re feeling extremely nervous or somewhat uncertain? It doesn’t have to be difficult. Affirmations can give your self-confidence a quick boost.

What are the affirmations?

Positive affirmations are statements that strengthen your beliefs. They are like compliments to yourself. They give you energy and will automatically make you think in a more positive way. You’ll start to believe more in the good and in possibilities. Positive affirmations are building blocks for stronger self-confidence.

You can create positive phrases to motivate and encourage yourself. To achieve your dreams or simply to feel better about yourself. They can also be used to boost your self-confidence, especially if you often catch yourself with negative thoughts, doubts, and insecurities. Affirmations can have a particularly pleasant effect.

They make your life easier.

Once you’ve experienced how well they work for you, you’ll naturally move to the next level.

“ Happiness doesn't start with a relationship, a vacation, a job or money. It starts with your thinking and what you tell yourself everyday. ”

According to theories about affirmations, self-confidence is closely linked to the thoughts you have about yourself. These thoughts can be either negative or positive. For example:

Positive Affirmations :

“I am creative.”

“I am a good planner.”

“I have extensive experience with…”

“I am professional in my profession.”

Negative Affirmations :

“I keep getting it wrong.”

“I’m not good at presenting.”

“I have very little experience.”

“I’ve only just come to look around the corner.”

How do positive affirmations work?

You’re probably familiar with the phenomenon where if someone says they can’t do something often enough, it indeed becomes impossible for them. Negative thoughts can block them. It’s a shame because you can also explore the opposite, the world of opportunities, possibilities, and confidence.

This can be achieved through affirmations. Positive statements that you take into your thoughts or say aloud. By repeating affirmations regularly, you can change your thoughts about yourself. You can make something possible.

When you frequently speak these affirmations, they become a very powerful force. Your subconscious mind starts accepting your thoughts. What you hear more often, you eventually believe. And you will automatically act accordingly.

Your brain adapts. It’s a dynamic system. Whatever you pay attention to growing. Psychologists call this neuroplasticity. It’s a well-known phenomenon that has been observed in actual brain scans, for example. It’s real. Practice makes perfect. It’s the mysterious power of our brain.

There have been many scientific studies supporting this. As humans, we have the ability to reprogram our brains. This is strongly supported even by the field of positive psychology. You can see many great books written on this subject.

Affirmations can give your life a positive turn.

A small profit warning

Don’t exaggerate your affirmations. If you feel in every fiber of your being that it’s not true, your affirmation will clash too much with your regular beliefs. This will mostly emphasize what is not there and leave you feeling empty and unhappy.

Therefore, create affirmations that make you feel better, that make you feel more powerful and energized, and that enable the next step in your development.

For example, if you say “I am a rich person” while in reality, you have no money and are deeply worried about finances, you’re taking too big steps. Make it simpler and smaller. Focus on something you can start to believe. “I am capable of earning more money. I am improving my skills and gradually becoming wealthier.”

Focus your affirmation on the next step in your development, a step you can handle. Choose affirmations that resonate with you. Look at the progress you want to make and allow yourself to take multiple steps.

In my personal experience, my affirmations have changed over time. Once my beliefs improved, I challenged myself with new affirmations. This process has led me to a higher level of belief and development. It wasn’t a mysterious miracle all at once. It was a process of many steps. And that’s okay.

~ The further I go, the more beautiful it becomes.

You gotta train your mind to be stronger than your emotions or else you will lose yourself every time.

How Do You Make Your Own Affirmations?

Creating positive affirmations is just as easy as using them. It’s actually quite straightforward. You come up with positive sentences, phrases, or statements that bring you into a powerful, pleasant, joyful, positive emotion. All you need to do after that is regularly repeat these sentences.

  • Make the affirmation short and sweet.
  • Make sure the affirmation contains at least one verb (for example, “to be” or “to do”).
  • Formulate it in the present tense (not “I will be a good presenter”, but “I will be a good presenter”).
  • Keep it to yourself (not “Other people think I am a good presenter”, but “I am a good presenter”).
  • Formulate the affirmation positively (without “not” or “none”).


  • “I accept myself as I am.”
  • “I am good, unique, and special.”
  • “I value myself.”
  • “I am in my power.”
  • “I give my best.”
  • “I am proud of who I am.”

“I + verb + now + something positive that brings joy or a positive quality.”

It’s entirely up to you to create and apply your own affirmations. Link them to your own values, what matters to you, and what fills you with energy.

How Do You Use Affirmations?

Affirmations work for you when you repeat them, preferably multiple times a day. There are many fun and refreshing ways to approach this.

Some people start their morning with a positive intention and read their affirmations. They have written them down in their notebook or personal diary. Alternatively, you can set them as your phone or computer background or use them as a frequently used password. You’ll come across them naturally.

Others say their affirmations in front of the mirror in the morning and evening. From experience, I know that this can be a challenge for many people. If this step seems too big right now, that’s okay.

Make it enjoyable. You can also say your affirmation like a mantra. Sing it. Make it melodious and fun.

Interestingly, it can even work well when your mind is tired. After a hard day’s work, your mind offers less resistance. The key is that your subconscious mind accepts the new positive thoughts without resistance and blocks.

One last original way is to combine your affirmation with a matching picture. A photo of yourself with a beautiful text can work wonders. Or a photo, image, or picture that associates your affirmation with the mood you want to feel. The better you can visualize it, the more powerful the affirmation will be.

For example, “I am relaxed and feel free” on a photo of yourself while meditating. Or on a picture of a bird soaring freely through the sky.

Examples of powerful positive affirmations

~ I am the architect of my life. I design what I want to develop. I build the foundation and create my wishes and desires.

~ I am who I am. And I’m happy about that. Your approval is nice, but not necessary.

~ Today I regularly look for my positive energy. I prioritize how I feel.

~ I can grow and develop myself. I am still capable of so much more. The best is yet to come.

~ Through my new positive thoughts I develop myself.

~ I am strong. I got up when things went wrong. I have overcome adversity. I learned from it. I have grown.

~ I am blessed with a talent that I am happy to develop further.

~ I have the qualities, skills, and capabilities to be extremely successful.

~ In my life I create a positive abundance of love, health, happiness, and success.

~ My business is developing rapidly. There is a beautiful perspective on the horizon.

~ I am thankful for the people around me.

~ I am courageous and go for what I want.

~ I am happy with myself. I am a satisfied person.

~ I’m proud of myself and how I’ve developed myself.

~ Many people look at me and see my added value. This will further increase through my own personal development.



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